About Us

At Crossroads Recovery we are committed to providing people with the educational training courses they need to live a positive, fulfilling life. What sets us apart from other programs is our emphasis on meeting people wherever they are in their lives. We understand that everyone has different needs, and we strive to provide tailored support to meet those needs. Our approach is rooted in a therapeutic mindset that is designed to help people develop an understanding of themselves and their struggles, to help them to overcome those struggles and move forward with their lives. At Crossroads Recovery, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to live their best life possible, and we are here to help make that possible.

Our courses are held online utilizing Zoom. Zoom allows for real-time interaction between the instructor and participants, fostering a sense of community even from a distance. Online courses allow participants to access the meeting from the comfort of their own home or office, eliminating the need for travel time and expenses. Zoom also offers various features such as screen sharing and breakout rooms that can be used to facilitate group activities and group discussions. Lastly, the convenience of having recordings of the meetings can be incredibly useful for individuals who need to refer back to the material. Overall, live Zoom meetings provide a flexible, engaging, and cost-effective way of receiving education.

No matter where you are, you can always move in the right direction.
— Crossroads Recovery